We are a proud breed best known for our floppy ears and the fact that we are stubbornly ruled by our nose. But to get what we want, all beagles turn to our secret weapon: our eyes. Blessed by nature with the roundest, most innocent and melancholy eyes, nobody can say NO whenever we unleash the power of the... beagle stare!
In my casa, the beagle stare is 100% foolproof when used on Dad. However, I've been very suspicious of mom lately, and have a sneaky feeling that she knows just how hypnotic and powerful my stare can be. In fact, I have proof of her continually distracting me from my task, foiling my everyday attempts to:
1) Have Dad feed and walk me as soon as he goes home after a long day of work, and before he eats his dinner.
2) Convince Dad to share some (if not all) of his dinner with me, specially if he's having pork chops and/or ham.
If you don't believe me, see for yourself:
Exhibit A. I'm working it... Dad's pretending he doesn't see me, but I know he does! "I've been home alone all day, and my need to be walked is greater than your need to eat dinner....."
Exhibit B. "Look into my eyes..."
Dad is wavering, my wide open eyes convincing him that my needs should be served first.... victory is near.... am almost there!
Exhibit C. Foiled by Mom, who distracted me by holding up a leg of ham!
Exhibit D. Again attempting to hypnotize Dad, strategically positioning myself so that he sees me every time he lifts his fork. "Am a good, obedient beagle who never shreds tissue, hungry and totally deserving of your pork chop..." *flash* *click*... what was that? Distracted again by mom's camera!
Is Mom sabotaging me, or am I just being paranoid?