Saturday, March 5, 2011

My 9th Birthday Last Year

I turned 9 last July, and my pack celebrated my adulthood with the works: noodles for long life, carrot cake in honour of my favourite snack, calamari in honour of my favourite stuffed toy and cherries because... well, just because it was in season. I howled through-out, energetically running round and round the living room. Mom & Dad thought it was because I was singing along as they sang "Happy Birthday", but it was actually my way of protesting the indignity of having to only "sniff" my birthday feast as my humans ate it!

However, I certainly am mature enough to set this aside and spend a little time reflecting. Time really flies- I was barely 2 when we moved here, and now I've practically spent majority of my life as a "Canadian" canine. As my human aunt would always ask (and not in jest, mind you),"does Beans speak fluent Canadian now?" Well, I guess so, but truth be told, I still have trouble converting my howling "aroos" to those pesky "eh's". I've been with my peops all these years, through 5 moves and 3 countries in the last 9 years, providing comfort and security in every new chapter of their lives. And for that alone, don't you think my humans should have had the decency to at least give me a crumb of my own birthday cake? Arooooooo,eh?

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